AYSO First Game

Max’s first game was today. His team White Lightning beat the Fireballs 8-1. Max scored 2 goals early on. His coach this year really wants to keep the number of players on the field low, so he will play 3 players at a time. This will help the kids improve their skills, and prevents ‘beehive ball’. P9090078.JPG Other Max tidbits: – When I make Max oatmeal for breakfast, he likes to eat a few pinches of the uncooked oats. I like (and therefore buy) high pulp orange juice. Max told me today that he doesn’t like orange juice because it has oats in it. – Max’s Sunday School teacher is a young man around college age. Max has noticed the hairstyle and wants to emulate it. Here is a picture of when we allow Max to comb his own hair. P7300008.JPG