The Flesh Of Beasts

Baby Weezy has tasted of the flesh of beasts (well, at this point only fowl) and is
hooked. Last week, I cut up little cubes of chicken and placed the first one into
her mouth. She rolled it around in there, seemingly unsure of what to do with it.
Then she started gumming it. In no time, she had scooped up all the pieces I cut for
her. She really likes the chicken and turkey pieces that we have given her. At the
same time (related?, I don’t know) she is getting more picky about the pureed food
that we give her. Broccoli and Asparagus used to be consumed with the same enthusiasm
as plums and pears. Lately, she has balked at the veggies after a few bites and signals
us with her own brand of signing ‘All Done’. If we wait a couple of minutes and try
again, she will sometimes eat more. Finally, if she hasn’t finished the bowl off,
we will pour some applesauce on top and co-mingle the foods.

I mean who wouldn’t want to have a bowl of broccoli and carrots mixed with plain
yogurt, tofu and ground flax seed?